➜ ~ sudo wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh
Server: Docker Engine - Community Engine: Version: 19.03.13 API version: 1.40 (minimum version 1.12) Go version: go1.13.15 Git commit: 4484c46d9d Built: Wed Sep 16 17:01:06 2020 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: false containerd: Version: 1.3.7 GitCommit: 8fba4e9a7d01810a393d5d25a3621dc101981175 runc: Version: 1.0.0-rc10 GitCommit: dc9208a3303feef5b3839f4323d9beb36df0a9dd docker-init: Version: 0.18.0 GitCommit: fec3683 If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:
sudo usermod -aG docker jaeylee
Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!
WARNING: Adding a user to the "docker" group will grant the ability to run containers which can be used to obtain root privileges on the docker host. Refer to https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/security/#docker-daemon-attack-surface for more information. ➜ ~ docker -v Docker version 19.03.13, build 4484c46d9d
docker info | grep Root
"접근권한이 없으면 앞에 SUDO"