Views define a piece of your UI. They’re the building blocks of your app, and each view should be small and focused. You build a complex view by composing it of small, simple views

Default structure

  1. ContentView: View (protocol)
  2. ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider (protocol)


ProgressView(value: 5, total: 15)


Stacks group views horizontally, vertically, or back to front. You use stacks to combine and layer view components.

뷰들의 배치 방법인듯? Vertical, Horizon .. 스택으로 배치하는 방법

<aside> 💡 ZStack : A view that overlays its children, aligning them in both axes.


실시간 업데이트 되는 거 신기하네 ㅋㅋㅋ

시뮬레이터 일일히 실행시켜서 확인하는 거에 비하면 간단한 뷰의 모습을 직접 확인하는 것은 편리한 듯👏

Build Groups of Views

struct MeetingView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            ProgressView(value: 5, total: 15)
            HStack {
                VStack {
                    Text("Seconds Elapsed")
                    Label("300", systemImage: "hourglass.bottomhalf.fill")
                VStack {
                    Text("Seconds Remaining")
                    Label("600", systemImage: "hourglass.tophalf.fill")