
Canvas = storyboard 화면

document outline = storyboard 내 문서 목록 창

inspector = 오른쪽 상세 화면 (size, attribute 등)

interface builder = 오 이게 IB인가봐!

actions and outlet

Type aliases are helpful for referring to an existing type with a name that’s more expressive.

typealias DoneButtonAction = () -> Void
@IBOutlet var titleLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var dateLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var doneButton: UIButton!
var doneButtonAction: DoneButtonAction?

@IBAction func doneButtonTriggered(_ sender: UIButton) {

When initializing a view controller from a storyboard, iOS calls the init(coder:) initializer. This configure method approach is useful for configuring after initializing, such as injecting dependencies.

var reminder: Reminder?

func configure(with reminder: Reminder) {
    self.reminder = reminder

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return ReminderRow.allCases.count


Always codify identifier strings to ensure your app doesn’t crash because of a mistyped identifier.