The CaseIterable protocol provides a property named allCases that you can use to iterate through the cases of the conforming enumeration.
Which protocol has a property that you can use to iterate through all cases of an enumeration?
enum ReminderRow: Int, CaseIterable {
case title
case date
case time
case notes
return ReminderRow.allCases.count //4
enum과 switch를 사용해서 적절한 데이터(이미지, string 등)를 뽑아내기
enum ReminderRow: Int, CaseIterable {
case title
case date
case time
case notes
// MARK: - This method returns the appropriate text to display based on the current enumeration case.
func displayText(for reminder: Reminder?) -> String? {
switch self {
case .title:
return reminder?.title
case .date:
return reminder?.dueDate.description
case .time:
return reminder?.dueDate.description
case .notes:
return reminder?.notes
// MARK: - This method returns the appropriate image to display based on the current enumeration case.
var cellImage: UIImage? {
switch self {
case .title:
return nil
case .date:
return UIImage(systemName: "")
case .time:
return UIImage(systemName: "clock")
case .notes:
return UIImage(systemName: "square.and.pencil")